If the tragic events in Charlottesville this past weekend and the near-immediate cries by the Left and the “mainstream” media …
Today on most of America’s college campuses, Marxist professors are hard at work indoctrinating, not educating. They are teaching generations …
What does #Resistance really mean? It means the overthrow of our government. (Article by Daniel Greenfield from frontpagemag.com ) In this …
There is something extremely ironic about liberals who infiltrate Trump rallies while simultaneously comparing the President to Adolph Hitler. The …
In what seems like a nod to violent protesters like the unhinged left-wing rioters who recently attacked Milo Yiannopoulos at …
Imagine, if you will, America’s cities being turned into battlefields. The sidewalks where average civilians once walked would be turned …
Another riot broke out on another university campus last Wednesday night as haters of law and order egged on by …
Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin failed to recognize the recent events at the UC Berkeley campus as Left-wing inspired terrorist attacks …
Due in large part to the incessant lying and deliberate false reporting of the “fakestream” media, the United States of …
Martin Armstrong, former chairman of Princeton Economics International Ltd, is best known for his economic predictions. Armstrong warns that we …