Civil War News /civilwarnews Civil War News - Civil War Information Mon, 06 Feb 2017 17:19:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Left-wing puppeteer George Soros finances domestic terrorism again; when will the Trump administration arrest him? /civilwarnews/2017-02-06-left-wing-puppeteer-george-soros-finances-domestic-terrorism-again-when-will-the-trump-administration-arrest-him.html /civilwarnews/2017-02-06-left-wing-puppeteer-george-soros-finances-domestic-terrorism-again-when-will-the-trump-administration-arrest-him.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 By now it is apparent that Left-wing billionaire George Soros isn’t just funding “protests” against conservatives and President Donald J. Trump; he’s financing a domestic terrorist operation and frankly, he should be arrested.

The most recent incident with dirty Soros money all over it is the violence committed on the campus of UC-Berkeley, ostensibly to “protest” an event featuring conservative firebrand and Breitbart News senior editor, Milo Yiannopoulos, whose “Dangerous Faggot” tour (he is gay) has upset liberal snowflakes and Leftist activists on college campuses all over the country.

As reported by The Daily Caller, the Alliance for Global Justice, a Tucson-based organization that helped to organize the violent stoppage of the Yiannopoulos event, received financial support from a Left-wing “charity” that is funded by Soros, along with the city of Tucson, many large companies and a major labor union.

The Alliance for Global Justice “is listed as an organizer and fiscal sponsor for Refuse Fascism, a communist group that encouraged left-wingers to shut down the Yiannopoulos event,” The DC reported. It was successful; the event was canceled by the university after domestic terrorists set fires, destroyed property, vandalized businesses and assaulted Trump and Yiannopoulos supporters. (RELATED: Find out how the angry Left threatens our liberty at

While it’s become fashionable for these thugs and their supporters to call Trump and his backers Nazis – a false narrative that the discredited establishment media has echoed – the fact is that the last time this kind of violence was being committed was in pre-Nazi Germany, by Hitler’s Brown Shirts.

As Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, noted in a recent column:

Thanks to the invocation of “journo-terrorism” by the anti-American Left-wing media, brainwashed libtards now believe they are free to engage in unbridled violence and acts of terrorism against Trump supporters, white people and all conservatives. They justify their extreme violence by falsely claiming that “Milo is Hitler” or “Trump is Hitler” or, essentially, (pick your targeted enemy) is Hitler.

Yet it is those on the Left who are the Brownshirts… the book burners… the intolerant haters of free speech, law and order. [Emphasis added]

In doing its journalist homework, The DC found that, based on the alliance’s most recent 990 tax form, the group received $2.2 million in funding for the fiscal year which ended in March 2016. One of the largest donors to the group was the Tides Foundation, “a non-profit funded by” Soros. The Tides gave the alliance $50,000.

And that money, as we can see, funded domestic terrorism.

Anyone who says that these thugs are merely exercising their “constitutional right to protest” is intentionally being disingenuous. They are ignoring the fact that these aren’t simple protests (Democrats, we’re looking at you). These are acts of terrorism, defined as violence committed for the primary purpose of effecting political change.

Democrats and far-Left activists can cry all they want about how “Trump is destroying the Constitution” by arresting Soros and the other terrorist groups he funds, but the law is clear. Per 18 U.S. Code § 2339C – Prohibitions against the financing of terrorism:

(1)In general.—Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (b), by any means, directly or indirectly, unlawfully and willfully provides or collects funds with the intention that such funds be used, or with the knowledge that such funds are to be used, in full or in part, in order to carry out—

(A) an act which constitutes an offense within the scope of a treaty specified in subsection (e)(7), as implemented by the United States, or 

(B ) any other act intended to cause death or serious bodily injury to a civilian, or to any other person not taking an active part in the hostilities in a situation of armed conflict, when the purpose of such act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act, 

shall be punished as prescribed in subsection (d)(1). [Emphasis added]

It just doesn’t get any plainer than that. The ACLU and other communist sympathizing Left-wing “legal” groups and congressional Democrats can whine all day long about the First Amendment, but nowhere in that amendment or in the Constitution itself are acts of violence, threats to life and property condoned or permitted.

The facts are thus: What took place at Berkeley was an act of domestic terrorism, by definition of the statute. George Soros was part of the funding mechanism for that terrorism. (RELATED: Find out who is threatening our civil society next at

The Trump Justice Department should immediately issue an international arrest warrant for Soros and all who are connected to his communist attempts to destroy our republic through the use of premeditated violence.

If you agree, sign this petition today.

We must take our country back from the angry Left and its communist backers. We started by electing Donald Trump. It’s time to finish the job by prosecuting those who seek to undermine him and our entire government.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.


/civilwarnews/2017-02-06-left-wing-puppeteer-george-soros-finances-domestic-terrorism-again-when-will-the-trump-administration-arrest-him.html/feed 0
Campus rioting egged on by journo-terrorists in the mainstream media /civilwarnews/2017-02-05-campus-rioting-egged-on-by-journo-terrorists-in-the-media.html /civilwarnews/2017-02-05-campus-rioting-egged-on-by-journo-terrorists-in-the-media.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 Another riot broke out on another university campus last Wednesday night as haters of law and order egged on by co-conspirator journo-terrorists in the media destroyed public and private property and attacked supporters of President Donald J. Trump, beating at least one man unconscious.

As you’re likely aware by now, domestic terrorists – let’s not call them “protesters” because that’s not what they are – shut down a planned event featuring Trump supporter and Breitbart senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos, setting fires, smashing windows, and using steel pipes to beat several people before police moved in.

However, the terrorism didn’t end there, as reported by the San Francisco Chronicle:

But even after the event’s cancellation, hundreds of protesters spilled off campus into the city streets, where the violence continued as they confronted drivers, engaged in fights, smashed storefront windows and set fires.

In the past, such terrorism has been staged by groups funded by billionaire anarchist George Soros, a Nazi collaborator who has literally taken over the Democratic Party. What’s more, Democrats don’t seem to mind; while they compare Trump to a Nazi, Democratic leaders are in bed with someone who actually helped them. (RELATED: Keep track of who’s behind the collapse of our society at

As noted by the Gateway Pundit, Soros’ filthy hands are all over the anti-Trump, anti-GOP violence in recent months:

A week before last Soros was reported as being behind 50 Groups involved in the ‘Women’s Protests’ the day after the inauguration.

Before that Soros groups were reportedly being used by social media giants to combat ‘Fake News’. These groups will use the Soros funded website Snopes which is notorious for its far left leaning positions on all issues related to politics. The result of these efforts will be more far left news supported by the Nazi collaborator.

Before this, Soros was connected to the groups demanding the recounts after the November 8th election.  And at about the same time, Soros money was funding protests shortly after the election results were official.

Then, of course, there is the pathetic, co-conspirator media, which gives a platform to left-wing hate-mongers spewing all kinds of crazy, disgusting things that, were Barack Obama still in office, would have been treated as nothing less than treason (and why isn’t he speaking out against all of this violence?).

For instance, little-watched MSNBC put Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick, Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia, on the air and let him say this, unchallenged, about the Democratic anti-Trump “strategy” moving forward:

What we’ve got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there’s the momentum to be able to do this. And we’re not afraid of the popular outcry, we’re energized by it and that’s going to help us do our job and do it better.

Then, Foreign Policy published this unhinged screed from a former State Department “senior advisor,” Rosa Brooks, who actually suggested a military coup to remove Trump from office. Claiming Trump is “crazy,” she implores us to read the 25th Amendment to the Constitution, which gives instruction on how to remove a president from office that has been deemed unfit.

And why is Trump unfit? Because the angry Left has proclaimed it so! And just look at what he’s doing to the country!

Who’s the real lunatic here? I say it’s a former government “advisor” who recommends the military overthrow a duly elected U.S. president, as if we were a banana republic. (RELATED: The angry Left won’t stop until the civil society is destroyed – stay tuned at

That any media outlet would even give someone a platform to suggest war in the streets and a military coup to remove our president proves once again that journo-terrorists are working hand in hand with actual terrorists funded by a real Nazi sympathizer to destroy civil rights.

Here is what the “tolerant” Left is really like:

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.


/civilwarnews/2017-02-05-campus-rioting-egged-on-by-journo-terrorists-in-the-media.html/feed 0
UC Berkeley is a national disgrace, only a matter of time before conservatives begin defending themselves against the mindless violence of the Left /civilwarnews/2017-02-05-uc-berkeley-is-a-national-disgrace-only-a-matter-of-time-before-conservatives-begins-defending-themselves.html /civilwarnews/2017-02-05-uc-berkeley-is-a-national-disgrace-only-a-matter-of-time-before-conservatives-begins-defending-themselves.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 In a recent column for Breitbart News, the site’s senior editor at large, Joel Pollack, lamented not simply the violence and destruction at UC-Berkeley, committed ostensibly in reaction to a planned event featuring Breitbart senior editor Milo Yiannopoulos, but also the “official” reaction, or rather non-reaction to it.

For instance, Pollack noted that Jesse Arreguin, the mayor of Berkeley, just another far-Left city in far-Left California, tweeted that Milo’s “hate speech” and as such would not be “welcome” in the city. This tweet was accompanied by the familiar charges of “bigotry” and that the community would not tolerate being “marginalized” by one man who has a different political viewpoint. A viewpoint, of course, he was unable to share on the intolerant Berkeley campus.

That’s how the Left works: Its adherents self-define their political enemies, then use the same tactics they accuse the enemy of using to shut them down. And when they can’t shame conservatives into silence, they attempt to beat or intimidate them into it. (RELATED: Conservatives won’t be silenced and you can read all about it at

About that violence, it is also being accompanied by another familiar scene: That of local police standing idly by while innocent people are verbally and physically attacked. At Berkeley this week, one woman was sprayed with pepper spray; one man was beaten unconscious by domestic terrorists using steel rods.

Police response? As Pollack wrote:

Were these groups merely showing up at events to protest — to express their views without silencing others — they would be perfectly entitled to do so. But lately, they have taken advantage of the timidity of the police — which they helped engineer, through their participation in the Black Lives Matter movement — to run amok, breaking up events and assaulting innocent people in full view of law enforcement officers and even the media. They are almost never pursued and never punished.

He noted further that the Berkeley newspaper, the Daily Californian, reported that just three people were arrested: Two in connection with violence they had committed earlier in the day and only one person at the protest, despite a night of injury, mayhem and property destruction.

That’s absurd, and it’s a travesty, quite frankly. As noted by The National Sentinel, at what point do innocents who are being victimized for attempting to exercise their First Amendment rights get to expect that police will protect them? Is it going to take more people being beaten? Is it going to take people being killed before cops will act? (RELATED: What has the insane Left done to academia today? Find out at

Because here’s the problem we face, if this kind of Alt-Left violence is allowed to continue unchecked: Sooner or later, counter-groups will begin to show up at these events, ready to battle the Alt-Left terrorists. And what we’ll have then is an all-out war in our streets and on our institutes of higher learning.

If these assaults were taking place outside the realm of a “demonstration” the offenders would surely be arrested and charged with a crime. So what makes violence at political events any different, any less of an assault and battery? If anything, such politically motivated attacks ought to carry stiffer penalties because they are assaults on our constitutional founding.

Is that what idiot mayors like Arreguin want?

Actually, yes. It’s all part of the “revolution” – the far-Left movement to replace constitutional government with tyranny. Under the guise of ‘fighting the good fight,’ the angry Left is using the cover of political discourse to impose its will on the rest of the country, no matter what the results were of our last round of elections.

But at some point, the right will push back. It’s inevitable; more Americans stand for the law and order that President Trump and conservatives represent than the violent despotism of the Left.

In a recent podcast, Natural News founder/editor Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, notes that what Milo is brilliantly doing is provoking Leftists into revealing who they really are: Insane, violent, anti-law, anti-free speech communist haters. Listen to the podcast here.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.


/civilwarnews/2017-02-05-uc-berkeley-is-a-national-disgrace-only-a-matter-of-time-before-conservatives-begins-defending-themselves.html/feed 0
Enemies Within: President Trump Is In Extreme Danger /civilwarnews/2017-02-04-enemies-within-president-trump-is-in-extreme-danger.html /civilwarnews/2017-02-04-enemies-within-president-trump-is-in-extreme-danger.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 Original article and analysis by Dave Hodges of The Commonsense Show.

President Trump may have escaped the clutches of Hillary Clinton. But can he escape the danger posed by the Democratic/Communist Party who are agents of the globalists and whose main goal is the destruction of the United States?

The following comprise the “hit team” who want to take him out and subjugate the American people.

Enemies Within

President Trump faces an unthinkable challenge. He is not only faced with dealing with over 80 Congressmen who are members of front organizations for the Communist party and the Muslim Brotherhood, he has many of these philosophical traitors to the Republic serving in senior and mid-level management in the various agencies of the Federal government. In other words, the President is surrounded by traitors who are dedicated to the destruction of the United States. Their traitors are your enemy whether you realize it or not!

Please allow me to superficially review how extensive the treason to the Republic is. This will be followed up by a stunning revelation as the end of the article.

Treason In Our Midst

Was anyone else bothered by the fact the large body count of Democratic Congressmen who did not attend the Inauguration. These unpatriotic Congressmen were led by the very radicalized John Lewis. Lewis belongs to the Progressive Caucus which a clear front organization  for the Communist Party as are the other disloyal Congressmen.

At minimum, I am concerned because these Congressmen demonstrated that they will not work with this President. This is troublesome because the Congress and the President must work together for the good of the country.

At maximum, I am concerned about this development because questions about these Congressmen are being asked by my audience with regard to their real motivation. Many of my readers and viewers are questioning if these Congressmen want to simply be “out of the blast zone” for what is coming. In other words they are positioning themselves to survive the coup that is coming.

New Zealand Journalist, Trevor Loudon, documents, through his new documentary entitled The Enemies Within) how the Communist Party of the USA itself has adopted a stealth plan to achieve revolutionary goals by decisions made in the 1970s to infiltrate and manipulate the Democratic Party. Loudon’s newest work documents how Lewis is a member of several front organizations with strong ties to the Community Party.

“The Communist and Muslim Brotherhood infiltration plan is to form alliances with the radical elements in organized labor in conjunction with radicals in the African-American community and the feminist movement to establish a progressive coalition on the left that could dominate the national political agenda for decades to come.”  John Lewis is a member of the Progressive Caucus which is a front group for the Communist Party. Lewis is not alone, but his actions and allegiances speak to his lack of commitment to the Republic and most importantly, the Constitution of The United States.
With these associations and his continual efforts in dividing the country, this Congressman should resign. Our country has reached its saturation point with treason from its public officials. Lewis has lost all credibility. Fromer Congressman, Alan West, has identified 80 of these Congressman as belonging to front groups for either the Communist party or the Muslim Brotherhood, or both.

The Muslim Brotherhood Invasion of  DHS and the White House

Is any interpretation needed to see where this is headed?

The Deputy Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin

This section is not about Muslims serving in the White House. America has no problem with this so long as they uphold their oath to protect and defend the Constitution. This section is also not about The embarrassed and disgraced wife of deposed Congressman, Anthony Weiner, Huma Abedin, has undeniable family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. In an interview with FrontPageMag, anti-Islamist activist and author Walid Shoebat explained that Huma’s mother, Saleha Abedin, is and was deeply involved with the Muslim Brotherhood and that Huma’s brother, Hassan, is on the board of the Oxford Centre For Islamic Studies (OCIS) where he is a fellow and partners with other board members including “Al-Qaeda associate, Omar Naseef and the notorious Muslim Brotherhood leader Sheikh Youssef Qaradawi; both have been listed as OCIS Trustees.” Has the FBI stopped vetting Federal governmental employees in highly sensitive positions?

Department of Homeland Security Deputy Mayor, Arif Alikhan


In the publication, Discover the Networks, the editors discuss the background as it relates to highly sensitive federal agency employment (e.g. DHS) and the Muslim terrorist affiliations of Arif Alikhan. Alikhan’s resume is very impressive.

  • “Former deputy mayor of Homeland Security and Public Safety for the City of Los Angeles

  • Was responsible for derailing the LAPD’s plan to monitor activities within the Los Angeles Muslim community

  • Was appointed as assistant secretary for the Office of Policy Development in Barack Obama’s Department of Homeland Security in 2009

  • Became a Professor of Homeland Security and Counterterrorism in 2010.”

  • Now serving as a distinguished, visiting professor at the National Defense University.

Alikhan was responsible for derailing the LAPD‘s efforts to monitor radical and potentially terrorist activities within the city’s Muslim community, where numerous radical mosques were known to have provided aid and comfort to the 9/11 hijackers.

Alikhan, an openly devout Sunni Muslim, has openly participated in a Muslim Public Affairs Council fundraiser titled “Be the Change,” in order to support that organization’s leadership-development programs which openly advocates for the Sharia Law takeover of the United States. The open support for this Sharia Law intention to overthrow the U.S. government, on the part of an American citizen, is illegal. When such an advocate is a Federal employee in a sensitive position this person should disqualify one from holding sensitive positions within the government.

Obama Administration Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel

If you were on the FBI team vetting Presidential appointees, would you grant your seal of approval to the grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder, Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and who has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Well, somebody thought Eboo Patel, the man in question would make a splendid member of Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.

Additionally, Patel, himself, spoke at a Muslim Students Association and ISNA Convention, while appearing on a panel, and also being partnered with Tariq Ramadan.

Ramadan is the grandson of Siraj Wahhaj, who was named as a possible co-conspirator in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing and has defended the convicted WTC bombers. Wahhaj  advocates for the Islamic takeover of America under the banner of Sharia Law.

All of these people combined, plus GEORGE SOROS, are poised to overthrow this government and the intention, to do so, extends deep into every agency. Obama had 8 years to plant subversive time bombs.

State Department Employee, Monika Wesolowski

For the past 72 hours, I have covered the case of State Department employee, Monika Wesolowski. Through and off-handed, unintentional comment, Monika revealed that State Department brochures obfuscate the presence of child-sex trafficking inside the territorial boundaries of the United States.

Since I published the two part story about Monika, I have heard from several Federal employees who verify the aforementioned concern and further, they make claims that parts of our Federal government are actually involved in facilitating child-sex trafficking and the people’s resources are involved.

/civilwarnews/2017-02-04-enemies-within-president-trump-is-in-extreme-danger.html/feed 0
Berkeley Mayor sides with the unhinged Left-wing terrorists, blaming Milo for the violence /civilwarnews/2017-02-04-berkeley-mayor-sides-with-the-unhinged-left-wing-terrorists.html /civilwarnews/2017-02-04-berkeley-mayor-sides-with-the-unhinged-left-wing-terrorists.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 Berkeley Mayor Jesse Arreguin failed to recognize the recent events at the UC Berkeley campus as Left-wing inspired terrorist attacks against free speech. Arreguin sided with the unruly crowd who used force to intimidate other protesters, physically attacking some of them. Rioters also shot fireworks at the building where Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak. The left-wing media continues to mislabel far-right speaker Yiannopoulos as a white nationalist, among other falsities. The brainwashed followers continue to hate on Milo for all the wrong reasons.

Arreguin released a statement acknowledging that the protesters had damaged property and resorted to violence in opposition to Milo’s scheduled appearance, albeit he said it was only a “small minority.” He also said that the rioters “provided the ultra-nationalist far right exactly the images they want to use to try to discredit the vast majority of peaceful protestors in Berkeley…” Arreguin failed to address that Trump supporters were being viciously attacked by leftist Oakland thugs toting anarcho-communist flags.

Arreguin failed to address that Trump supporters were being viciously attacked by leftist Oakland thugs toting anarcho-communist flags. 1,500 protesters reportedly showed up to the UC Berkeley event, ten percent of whom were reportedly there to incite the riots.

This begs the question, were these violent protesters paid to put on a show? It’s not uncommon for George Soros-affiliated groups to attend events like this and foolishly support his atrocious agenda in a harmful manner. The University released a statement saying the violence was “instigated by a group of about 150 masked agitators who came onto campus and interrupted an otherwise non-violent protest.” Who do you think was responsible for organizing that group of 150 masked men? (RELATED: Find more news about rioting at

Many police officers allegedly didn’t do their parts to calm the riots. Arreguin’s statement wasn’t exactly appropriate either. Now Berkeley is at risk of a federal investigation scrutinizing the way the city dealt with the incident. Arreguin expressed that Berkeley stands against bigotry, fear-mongering, and violence towards anyone; yet he senselessly justified the violence by insisting Milo’s presence and perspectives were to blame for the unruly display.

Yiannopoulos has said he would like an apology, presumably from both the city and the university, however that’s not expected to come any time soon. President Donald Trump condemned the riots and threatened to cease funding to the university due to their response to the incident. “If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view — NO FEDERAL FUNDS?” tweeted President Trump. (RELATED: Read for more conservative news.)


/civilwarnews/2017-02-04-berkeley-mayor-sides-with-the-unhinged-left-wing-terrorists.html/feed 0
Did Hillary Clinton’s VP pick just call for civil war? /civilwarnews/2017-02-04-did-hillary-clintons-vp-pick-just-call-for-civil-war.html /civilwarnews/2017-02-04-did-hillary-clintons-vp-pick-just-call-for-civil-war.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 The Democratic Party and its angry left-wing sycophants have become completely unhinged since they were bested by a former reality TV star and billionaire businessman, and you see them unraveling daily without having to put much effort into it.

Consider what Tim Kaine, Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential pick and a sitting U.S. senator just suggested: That the Left would rather relive the 1960s and foment war on our streets and on our campuses than do the civilized thing after losing election after election all around the country — reevaluate, adopt a new message, and try to reconnect with a majority of the American people.

In an interview with little-watched MSNBC, “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski asked Kaine about the future of his part and what needs to happen moving forward for it to remain a viable force in American politics, as reported by Breitbart. (RELATED: What is the media misreporting today? Find out at

“So, broad question about the future of the Democratic Party, especially given your firsthand experience with what we’ve all been through,” she began. “There’s so much going on here that we clearly see, you know, places where you — we can criticize what the administration is doing, but how does the party rebuild? How do you prevent overreach in a situation like this? How do you prevent a continuation of the bubble in a situation like this, and how does the party reclaim its reach across the country while fighting these battles?”

Kaine’s response is something you might have expected to hear a member of Congress utter 50 years ago – and it is very telling as to what kind of party the Democrats have become (the Anarchy Party).

“Well, let me talk about continuation of the bubble, Mika. This is something I’m so excited about. I saw that Howard Dean tweeted at me the other day, ‘Tim, the base is getting ahead of the leaders.’ That’s exactly backward,” he said. “We are so excited that the American public is energized to speak out against the abuses of this administration. Democratic senators led healthcare rallies — Save Our Healthcare — on Martin Luther King Day in about 75 cities around the country, including Richmond. Tens of thousands of people rallied to save our health care. Then, the Women’s March that was organized at a grassroots level. Then, people coming out in protest of these orders. So, the way we get outside the bubble is we take advantage of this tremendous public outcry against the administration. What we’ve got to do is fight in Congress, fight in the courts, fight in the streets, fight online, fight at the ballot box, and now there’s the momentum to be able to do this. And we’re not afraid of the popular outcry, we’re energized by it and that’s going to help us do our job and do it better.”

That is an incredibly irresponsible thing for any public official to say, let alone a current U.S. senator and a man who, just a few months ago, was in the running to become vice president of the United States.

Now flip this, and imagine if President Donald Trump had told an interviewer Republicans were going to ride the wave of momentum for his victory and “fight in the streets” any opposition to his policies; he would most definitely sound as crazy as the angry Left is attempting to make him out to be. (RELATED: Watch the angry Left continue to destroy the civil society at

Much of the “momentum” that Kaine is talking about is manufactured – bought and paid for with money from Democratic Party puppet master George Soros – which means, there isn’t really much enthusiasm for it outside reliably Left-wing pockets of political ideology in cities and college campuses. If there really were massive support for him and his twice-failed presidential running mate, she would be sitting in the Oval Office today (along with her major Clinton Foundation donors), not Trump.

Still, every society has its anarchists and it appears as though official Democratic Party strategy is to tap into that faction, then manufacture and support civil unrest and domestic terrorism. To toss out a suggestion that we should all be fighting this out in the streets of our cities is like tossing gasoline onto a fire, and Kaine should be held to account for that during these highly volatile times.

He cannot be held legally liable for his comments, which are really akin to fomenting domestic insurrection, because he’s protected from prosecution as a sitting U.S. senator. He can, however, be expelled, under Article I, Section 5 of the Constitution.

What are you waiting for, members of the Senate? It’s time to make an example of an anarchist.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.


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Donald Trump the last President of these “United” States? America may fracture and descend into civil war /civilwarnews/2017-01-30-donald-trump-the-last-president-united-states-america-will-descend-into-civil-war.html /civilwarnews/2017-01-30-donald-trump-the-last-president-united-states-america-will-descend-into-civil-war.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 Due in large part to the incessant lying and deliberate false reporting of the “fakestream” media, the United States of America is now precariously close to descending into armed revolt and a new civil war.

While President Trump is doing exactly what’s needed to protect America, root out the deep corruption of the bureaucracy and battle the incessant “fake news” lies of the media, the left-wing propagandists (who script every significant story in the mainstream media) have a sufficient number of blindly obedient followers to drive the nation into social chaos. (That’s their goal.)

Not only are the radical left-wingers attempting to subvert the Republic and foment a communist uprising to overthrow the legitimate U.S. government; they’re also hoping to murder as many whites as possible in the process. As revealed in this shocking Daily Caller article, a Black Lives Matter activist trained as a social justice warrior is now openly calling for the mass murder of whites. “We need to start killing people,” she says with a megaphone while wearing a Black Lives Matter shirt. “First off, we need to start killing the White House. The White House must die…” she continues, perfectly parroting the scripts taught to her by SJW front groups funded by George Soros.

She wraps it all up with a demand to take all the property and belongings of whites, just like the Nazis did to Jewish prisoners: “White people, give your f#cking money, your f#cking house, your f#cking property, we need it f#cking all…” while another crowd member screams, “Reparations!”

In my podcast exploring the extreme divide in America, I explain why continued escalation of hatred and violence by the “journo-terrorism” mainstream media may thrust America into kinetic violence where the explosion of unruly left-wing rioters leads to a Trump-ordered Martial Law and National Guard crackdown on the mindless mobs. This, in turn, will very likely accelerate the collapse of peaceful society.

Coincidentally, I am on the record predicting this exact outcome, telling Natural News readers in this January 3, 2017 article:

Even more astonishingly, realize that even you will beg for martial law because the violence, looting and social chaos being pursued by the lawless left will be so outrageously out of control that you’ll gladly give up more liberty in exchange for the promise of security.

Now, in a more up-to-date podcast, I give you the latest analysis that points toward mass social unrest and Martial Law in America’s near-term future. To stop all this, by the way, President Trump could declare a national emergency and halt the divisive propaganda of the left-wing media by decree, with a phased return to a free press after the communist subversives have been arrested and imprisoned. (This is precisely what former KGB propagandist Yuri Bezmenov says a free nation must do to reverse cultural subversion by communists.)

Click here to listen to the podcast at the Health Ranger Report website, or listen below:







/civilwarnews/2017-01-30-donald-trump-the-last-president-united-states-america-will-descend-into-civil-war.html/feed 0
Anonymous Civil War Begins In Washington (Video) /civilwarnews/2017-01-16-anonymous-civil-war-begins-in-washington-video.html /civilwarnews/2017-01-16-anonymous-civil-war-begins-in-washington-video.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 Anonymous – Civil war begins in Washington:

/civilwarnews/2017-01-16-anonymous-civil-war-begins-in-washington-video.html/feed 0
Left-Wing Media’s “Soft Coup” Could Lead America into Civil War (Video) /civilwarnews/2016-12-15-left-wing-medias-soft-coup-could-lead-america-into-civil-war-video.html /civilwarnews/2016-12-15-left-wing-medias-soft-coup-could-lead-america-into-civil-war-video.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 It is now clear that the coordinated media propaganda campaign to falsify delusional accusations about Russia influencing the U.S. election has a specific political purpose: To pressure electoral voters to dump Donald Trump before Dec. 19th, the day electoral votes are cast.

Across the entire left-wing media — which now teeters on the verge of clinical mental illness — you are witnessing a coordinated, timed, strategic assault on America, democracy and freedom itself. The Washington Post has been leading this charge by fabricating conspiratorial accusations out of thin air, failing to name even a single source to back up their deranged assertions.

Now, the left-wing media is passing out tin foil hats to everyone in sight and telling them to start hyperventilating the “Russians defeated Hillary” narrative until a “consensus” is reached among them all. When a sufficient number of delusional leftists achieve a uniform hallucination that blames Hillary Clinton’s defeat on someone other than Hillary Clinton, the hallucination is then deemed a “fact.”


/civilwarnews/2016-12-15-left-wing-medias-soft-coup-could-lead-america-into-civil-war-video.html/feed 0
The next American Civil War begins on January 20… Second Amendment patriots may be called on to defend the Republic against left-wing terrorists /civilwarnews/2016-12-14-the-next-american-civil-war-begins-on-january-20-second-amendment-to-defend-republic-against-left-wing-terrorists.html /civilwarnews/2016-12-14-the-next-american-civil-war-begins-on-january-20-second-amendment-to-defend-republic-against-left-wing-terrorists.html#respond Wed, 30 Nov -0001 00:00:00 +0000 The anti-American, communist-leaning website is openly organizing a popular uprising against the legitimate new administration of the United States of America. January 20, 2017 — Inauguration Day — is being targeted as a day for people to “block, obstruct, disrupt, and do whatever they can to prevent the onslaught that is going to happen with Donald Trump,” said “alt-left” organizer Michael Moore.

The DisruptJ20 website calls on “all people of good conscience to join in disrupting the ceremonies.” A DisruptJ20 tweet, relishing in the kind of delusional paranoia that now typifies the mentally ill left in America, says the effort is being waged to “confront white supremacy” and other “forms of oppression.”

DisruptJ20 is a thinly veiled call for a communist uprising and overthrow of the Trump administration

The DisruptJ20 effort is, in reality, a communist uprising and coup attempt being disguised as a “peaceful” protest. Yet even the website describes the effort in military terms, characterizing it as a “bold mobilization against the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20, 2017.”

If you can’t make it to Washington D.C. on January 20, the organization encourages you to join to communist uprising wherever you might live: “If you can’t make it to Washington, DC on January 20, take to the streets wherever you are,” says the site, which is clearly inciting mob violence everywhere across America.

What’s really being planned, Natural News has learned, is a “Tet Offensive” against the American Republic. This is what we’ve learned from a source who infiltrated one of the organizing meetings for the DisruptJ20 event. Unhinged liberals revealed to the source that they are planning both an assassination attempt against Donald Trump as well as an attempted communist coup to take over the U.S. capitol.

In an article entitled A Tet Offensive To Be Unleashed Against American Cities, analyst Dave Hodges reveals that radical leftists are working side by side with ISIS terrorists to unleash a wave of bombings and other terrorist attacks inside the USA on January 20.

As the UK Express reports, ISIS is also planning a series of “Jihad” attacks on Inauguration Day, which they have dubbed “Bloody Friday.” As the paper says, “US special forces will be on high alert when Mr Trump takes over as 45th President of the United States on Friday, January 20, 2017, in Washington, DC.”

Between the radical, mentally ill leftists, the communists and ISIS, the obvious aim is to bring America to her knees on January 20, 2017 as a way to either sabotage the Trump administration or overthrow the entire government.

American patriots may be called on to defend the Republic on January 20

Today, I am reminding all American patriots that they may be called to help defend the Republic against the insane leftist uprising and coordinated ISIS terrorist attacks announced for January 20.

While it is important to avoid initiating any sort of violence, all American patriots must be ready to respond to violence with tools of self-defense. The primary role of patriots must be to support law enforcement in maintaining law and order. If things get really out of hand and the U.S. Marines step in, the moral duty of civilian patriots is to support the U.S. Marines who are defending the Republic.

Under no circumstances should civilian patriots initiate kinetic actions against anyone unless they are first attacked and threatened with deadly force. That said, any Trump supporter who is directly threatened with deadly force (or attacked with deadly weapons) has every right to respond with the application of deadly force in the interests of self preservation. Just be aware that the attacks on you are likely being staged for CNN to capture on camera, and the video will be selectively edited to portray you as the aggressor while portraying all Trump supporters as violent murderers. (Yep, you can’t even defend yourself without the media calling you a murderer… that’s how they lie.)

How to help stifle the coup attempt by the insane, criminal left

All Americans, no matter where they live, should be be prepared to defend their lives, support law enforcement, and protect the Republic from the attempted coup now being organized.

Typical roles for supporting law enforcement may include:

– Promptly reporting acts of arson, looting or assault to local law enforcement.

– Recording videos of the uprising, especially capturing radical leftists planting bombs, looting or attacking innocent bystanders. Forward such videos to the independent media, including Natural News, InfoWars and Breitbart.

– Capturing the faces of radical leftists on video so that they may be identified and arrested for their acts of treason against the United States of America.

– Sharing ammunition with local cops who may quickly run out if the civil war begins. Don’t assume cops and sheriff’s deputies have unlimited ammo! Many departments are woefully underfunded, and many LEOs are strictly prohibited from carrying too many loaded magazines. To help support local cops and their attempts to halt the violence of the lunatic left, bring them loaded magazines for popular firearms such as Glock in 9mm and 40 caliber. Loaded AR-15 mags (I recommend MagPul) may also be useful to law enforcement if things get really out of hand. Don’t load crappy TulAmmo brand, either. Use brass cased, high quality ammo, because you don’t want law enforcement to experience jams or double feeds. (If you thought the executions of police officers in Dallas was bad, just wait to see what the radical lunatic left has planned against police on January 20…)

– Night vision gear may also be especially useful for local law enforcement. If you have a spare PVS-14, lend it to your Sheriff for the duration of the uprising. Stock up on Energizer lithium batteries to power all your gear, because those batteries don’t fail.

Recommended gear for your own protection

My first recommendation is that you avoid being anywhere near these uprisings for your own safety. But if you choose to be near them as a journalist, or a LEO, or just a curious citizen, I strongly recommend you wear a ballistic vest on January 20th, if legal in your area. You may wear the vest under other clothing, obviously. Do not try this if ballistic vests are not legal in your area. You don’t want to be flagged and arrested as a would-be terrorist.

Secondly, I strongly recommend you carry the CAT tourniquet and practice using it beforehand, using one good arm. If you are involved in the chaos on Jan. 20, you will very likely be injured. A tourniquet can help prevent blood loss for you or another person.

Thirdly, you should also consider wearing a ballistic helmet. Insane, militant leftists are very likely going to be throwing objects in the air, and protecting your head is obviously very important. As always, check local laws and make sure it’s legal for you to wear a ballistic helmet. If you can’t wear a ballistic helmet, wear a hard hat! There are also hard hats available in camo and other designs that aren’t bright yellow or orange.

Recommendations for carrying a highly effective (legal) firearm for your protection

Finally, where legal, you should obviously carry a legal, concealed firearm with a minimum of two magazines loaded with hollow point rounds. This is obviously for your own self-protection, and you should abide by the rules I set out above, which are to assist local law enforcement while avoiding any instigation of violence. Do NOT be a “cowboy” just because you have a pistol. Carry responsibly and act with the intention of protecting life and halting violence.

Do not engage the radical leftist communists unless you are clearly and urgently threatened with serious bodily injury or harm. Whatever actions you take will likely be caught on camera, and that video can be used to prosecute you, file civil lawsuits against you, or make you “famous” in precisely the wrong way on the evening news. Think twice before drawing any firearm. You may be mistaken by police as a left-wing nut case, and they might open fire on you. You must also very carefully consider the unintended flight path of your bullets, meaning that even after you blow a massive hole in the chest of some nut job trying to kill you, that bullet may continue into the crowd and harm someone who is completely innocent. Remember: YOU are responsible for everything each bullet does after it leaves the barrel of your gun.

If you are threatened by radical left-wing rioters, consider fleeing instead of engaging. Do not make the mistake of thinking just because you are right to stand your ground that you must stand your ground. Then again, if some radical left-wing nut job starts bashing in your car window with a hammer so they can rip you out of your vehicle and beat you to a bloody pump, give ’em two rounds in the chest and see if they reconsider their actions. (And be prepared to be deaf for about a week if you discharge your firearm inside your vehicle. You might want to consider wearing earplugs…) This is precisely why my initial advice is to avoid being anywhere near these riots in the first place. You’re far safer being somewhere else entirely.

If you want my recommendation on the best overall firearm to carry in these circumstances, there’s no competition: A Glock 19 with “Big Dot” sights from

These sights are perfect for situations where you think you might be stressed or in a hurry. Obviously, well before January 20, make sure you break in your Glock 19 by firing at least 250 rounds through it at a local target range. Make sure the firearm is well cleaned and lubed before carrying it on January 20. Be sure you abide by local laws when you carry your firearm, and recognize there will be places where you can’t take it (bars, government offices, schools, etc., depending on local laws).

If you want a chemical-free gun cleaning product that uses no harsh, toxic solvents, use Frog Lube. That’s what I use! Get some at this link.

Finally, in terms of ammo to carry on that day, you want the best engineered ammunition available. The 9mm Critical Defense ammo from Hornady is an outstanding choice.

As explained on the sales page, this ammo has many features which may be especially useful to halt some left-wing terrorist commie who’s trying to bash in your face with a spiked baseball bat:

* Unaffected by thick and heavy clothing, including denim and leather

* FTX bullet delivers superior controlled expansion and large, deep wound cavities over a wide range of velocities

* Clean burning and efficient propellants reduce recoil in lightweight handguns, and perform consistently at all temperatures

* Minimal muzzle flash protect night vision

* Feeds reliably in pistols

* Silver nickel plating prevents corrosion and is easily visible in low light situations

In summary, “s##t is about to get real,” and the radical left is seriously trying to overthrow the U.S. government, assassinate Donald Trump and plunge the nation into chaos on January 20.

NOW is the time to prepare yourself, your household and your community for tactical defense against the plans of the unhinged left, which has essentially now become a domestic terrorism organization. (Maybe we can start calling them “Shining Path.”)

My hope in all this is as follows:

#1) Trump gets inaugurated on January 20.

#2) Trump immediately calls for the mass arrest of the left-wing instigators of violence and has them all charged with conspiracy to commit treason against the United States of America.

#3) Cops and police officers take an aggressive posture and stop allowing themselves to be abused by lawless left-wing violent mobs. It’s time America said “ENOUGH!” to the lawlessness, violence and hatred of the radical left.

/civilwarnews/2016-12-14-the-next-american-civil-war-begins-on-january-20-second-amendment-to-defend-republic-against-left-wing-terrorists.html/feed 0