News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Twenty questions for 2020 that point to a year of unprecedented social, political and financial chaos
Events are now shaping up that will make 2020 one of the most historic (and challenging) years of our lives. With so many events converging into potential for conflict or collapse — social, political, financial, geological — this is going to be a year that none of us will ever forget. It brings to mind […]
By Mike Adams
UN hiring “disarmament officers” to conduct “field missions” in New York as UN occupation plan for America goes LIVE
The critics who have mocked the “UN occupation of America” news that we’ve been covering for years are eating crow today as the United Nations is publicly and openly hiring “disarmament, demobilization and reintegration officers” in New York, specifically admitting that they will be running “field missions” to engage in gun confiscation from citizens. As […]
By Mike Adams
Civil war RISK, state by state: Is your state likely to be drawn into kinetic conflict as the rule of law disintegrates across America?
Democrats are now all-in on the effort to spark a civil war in America before Trump can win re-election in 2020. The philosophy of Democrats, of course, is, “If we can’t rule it, we will destroy it.” And they know the Trump administration in inching closer every day to revealing the full breadth of corruption […]
By Mike Adams
Ten things that could ignite a full-blown civil war in 2020… and any of these ten could happen AT ANY TIME
As political coexistence collapses across America due to the lawless, mentally ill Leftists who have abandoned every pillar of civil society, civil war is just one ignition event away. America’s conservatives, fed up with being malicious labeled “Nazis” while being systematically censored and attacked in the streets by violent left-wing lunatics, have just about reached […]
By Mike Adams
Virginia Gov. plans to use road blocks and UN troops to seize guns – Dave Hodges interviews Mike Adams – full interview
A nefarious scheme is under way in Virginia to provoke shooting conflicts as a justification to invoke martial law, seize all firearms from private citizens and maybe even call for the UN occupation of America. I’ve been researching and writing about these treacherous scheme for several days, and yesterday, Dave Hodges asked me to join […]
By Mike Adams
Do you believe me now? Democrats actively rolling out scheme to remove VP Mike Pence so they can install Nancy Pelosi, then Hillary Clinton as President… the CRIMINAL COUP IS HERE
The criminal coup scenario I warned you about has finally arrived. A scheme is now active to convict Trump and remove V.P. Mike Pence from power, then install Nancy Pelosi as president. Once there, she will appoint Hillary Clinton as her V.P. with no resistance from the Senate, then she will resign, making Hillary Clinton […]
By Mike Adams
Is this the LAST Black Friday before America erupts into political and spiritual chaos?
One year from now the 2020 election will have already been decided. Consider that carefully. If Trump wins re-election, the Left goes insane with a whole new round of accusations that the Russians (or the Ukranians or maybe even the lost Atlantians) stole the election. They will set their own cities on fire and march […]
By Mike Adams
EXCLUSIVE – President Trump makes unscheduled stop at military hospital to undergo battery of tests for possible deliberate poisoning of food with “time delayed” chemical agent; food tester gravely ill – White House connected source
(Exclusive Natural News report via Alex Jones at – The President’s unscheduled stop at the Walter Reed military hospital on Saturday involved a battery of tests to determine whether the President was exposed to a chemical agent that is suspected of being introduced into his food, says a White House connected source who shared […]
By Mike Adams
Civil war is coming, and the COLLAPSE is imminent… here’s how to maintain your sanity as it all comes down
The lawless, deranged Democrats have already launched a hot civil war against conservatives and Trump supporters by targeting them for physical violence in restaurants and other public places. They’ve published the home addresses of Trump donors, and they’ve called for the mass killing of all conservatives, Christians, Trump supporters and gun owners. Civil war is […]
By Mike Adams
Sham impeachment vote proves all but two Democrats are complicit in treason against America, attempted political coup against a duly elected president
Since the 2016 election, Democrats, the deep state and the CIA-run fake news media have fabricated hoax after hoax to try to remove President Trump from office and overrule the votes of the people. They’ve fabricated fake “anonymous sources,” ginned up fake “dossier” documents, made false accusations, fabricated fake whistleblowers and have even publicized completely […]
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