News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
RED ALERT: Fascist Google begins PURGE of pro-Trump websites as prelude to massive false flag or coup attempt
In a Communist China-style crackdown on free speech, Google has launched a PURGE to take down sites supportive of President Trump. Yesterday, the entire website was delisted by Google, removing 140,000+ pages of content covering disease prevention, nutritional therapies, scientific investigations into environmental contamination, dangers of prescription medications and more. The internet is in […]
By Mike Adams
“Sleeper cell” Obama running shadow government op to discredit Natural News and other pro-Trump independent media
As reported yesterday, Natural News is being targeted for destruction by Media Matters and other anti-American operative groups who are trying to bring down the Trump administration by undermining his popular support. As part of this campaign, I have personally been threatened and ordered to “destroy Alex Jones” or face a campaign of fake news […]
By Mike Adams
BREAKING: Health Ranger threatened by left-wing media goons: “Destroy Alex Jones or we will destroy YOU”
FULL DISCLOSURE: I am being threatened with the “complete destruction” of my reputation, my brand and my character by left-wing media operatives who have issued a new threat this week: “Destroy Alex Jones or we will destroy YOU.” Alex Jones, of course, is the founder of, one of the most popular multi-media publishers of […]
By Mike Adams
Civil war is raging inside the Trump administration… can he excise the political tumor in time to save America?
The battle between anti-Trump careerists within the U.S. intelligence community and the commander-in-chief is getting more serious by the day. On Wednesday, in the aftermath of the resignation of Trump’s national security advisor, Michael Flynn – thought to be the first of many Trump national security team casualties to come – former NSA analyst and […]
By Mike Adams
NYT commits TREASON in fake news attempt to overthrow the United States Government… is it time to start arresting traitors who pretend to be journalists?
The New York Times is now actively engaged in deliberate acts of treason against the United States government. Following in the “journo-terrorism” practices of the Washington Post, the NYT has just published a wildly irresponsible innuendo piece that, predictably, cites anonymous intelligence officials in an attempt to discredit the Trump administration and enrage opponents. As […]
By Mike Adams
University scientists claim left-wing violence is caused by global warming… “the planet made them do it”
In what seems like a nod to violent protesters like the unhinged left-wing rioters who recently attacked Milo Yiannopoulos at UC Berkeley, Iowa State University scientists have published an analysis that claims global warming is the root cause behind the increase in violence we’re witnessing right now across society. Not only does the analysis fall […]
By Mike Adams
Berkeley unveils the new, dangerous logic of the deranged Left: If they disagree with you, they have the moral right to KILL you before you can speak
Following the UC Berkeley violence aimed at murdering gay conservative speaker Milo Yiannopoulos, the UC Berkeley newspaper has published a series of columns that unveil the dangerous new logic of the deranged Left: If they disagree with you, they are fully justified in KILLING you in order to prevent you from speaking. In a series […]
By Mike Adams
Insightful columnist “nails it” with explanation of why the Left is so hateful, deranged and dangerous
Columnist Kurt Schlichter from should be given a Nobel Prize for journalism… that is, if the Nobel Prize actually meant anything anymore. He just penned the most “right on” analysis of why the Left is so hateful, deranged and dangerous (and what you should be doing about it). Essentially, he correctly concludes that the […]
By Mike Adams
Enemies Within: President Trump Is In Extreme Danger
Original article and analysis by Dave Hodges of The Commonsense Show. President Trump may have escaped the clutches of Hillary Clinton. But can he escape the danger posed by the Democratic/Communist Party who are agents of the globalists and whose main goal is the destruction of the United States? The following comprise the “hit team” who […]
By Mike Adams
Donald Trump the last President of these “United” States? America may fracture and descend into civil war
Due in large part to the incessant lying and deliberate false reporting of the “fakestream” media, the United States of America is now precariously close to descending into armed revolt and a new civil war. While President Trump is doing exactly what’s needed to protect America, root out the deep corruption of the bureaucracy and […]
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