News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
Democrats’ desperate ploy to unseat President Trump over “mental health” false diagnosis will push America to bloody civil war
On the heels of the new book “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff — which has already been largely discredited as a work of fiction — unhinged Democrats are now pushing to unseat President Trump by claiming he’s “mentally unfit for office.” This dangerous, deranged ploy is the latest desperate attempt by Democrats who first […]
By Mike Adams
CHAOS ALERT: Dem leader calls for deploying UN troops on the streets of America
And so it begins. Apparently oblivious to the fact that Democrat policies have driven the city of Chicago into a state of near-collapse, Cook County Commissioner Richard Boykin is now calling for United Nations “peacekeeping” troops to be stationed on the streets of America. As you’ll hear in the video below, Boykin says that UN […]
By Mike Adams
Whole Foods owner profits from sales of Antifa terrorism symbols and left-wing “murder books” on
Remember the Confederate flag hysteria of 2016, when Amazon banned all products that carried the Confederate flag, including children’s toys? The monopolist online retailer — founded and largely owned by Jeff Bezos, the anti-American globalist who also owns the fake news Washington Post — insisted the Confederate flag was a “symbol of hate” and explained […]
By Mike Adams
Insanity of the intolerant Left reaches whole new level of absurdity as ASIAN-Americans are now vilified for having the last name “Lee”
In case you haven’t kept up with the increasing insanity of the intolerant Left in America, ESPN has pulled an Asian-American announcer named “Robert Lee” from a college football game because his name might have “triggered” fragile snowflakes who have been transformed into shivering blobs of lunacy by the Left’s relentless attack on logic and […]
By Mike Adams
A total eclipse of SANITY: America under the spell of mass hysteria engineered by a dangerous, globalist-controlled media
The total eclipse of sanity is now under way across America. Mass hysteria has gripped the minds of the gullible, many of whom now hallucinate their “reality” on a moment-by-moment basis. Before the Charlottesville violence, the entire Left of America was hallucinating Russians behind every corner. Now, they’re hallucinating Neo-Nazis everywhere they look. This isn’t […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger denounces Alt-Right, Alt-Left, violence, censorship, totalitarianism, intolerance, racism and stupidity
Part of my job is to scan the breaking news each day, and as I do that now, I can’t help but see this country ripping itself apart from runaway hatred, media lies and escalating violence breaking out with increasing frequency. It’s all gone way too far, and as I’ve repeatedly warned, it’s plunging us […]
By Mike Adams
WAKE UP, people! Alt-Left and Alt-Right are run by the same forces… the goal is “divide and conquer”
We’re all being played. The so-called “Alt-Left” and “Alt-Right” are all rooted in elaborate, deadly street theater being played out on the national stage with real consequences (such as killing innocents on camera). If you have been swept up into the engineered hatred of all this, you’ve been suckered by the globalists who are running […]
By Mike Adams
The real goal of the intolerant Left is the outright extermination of conservative White culture (and elimination of the First Amendment)
It’s now perfectly clear that the real goal of the intolerant Left is the complete extermination of conservative White culture in America and the elimination of First Amendment rights for anyone who isn’t a Leftist. This is now abundantly clear after the events in Charlottesville, Virginia, where radical left-wing protesters (Antifa) clashed with angry right-wing […]
By Mike Adams
Best explanation yet of what happened in Charlottesville: Stefan Molyneux and Faith Goldy report the truth you won’t hear in the media
As usual, everything you’re being told about what happened in Charlottesville by the mainstream media is distorted for political effect. To sort it out and find out what really happened (and why it matters), you need to listen to independent, intelligent analysis from someone who was on the scene and saw exactly how many of […]
By Mike Adams
Why this all ends in civil war: Radical Left-wing fascism and intolerance meets right-wing nationalism and resistance
The entire Left-wing media has erupted today over the so-called “white nationalist” protest in Charlottesville where right-wing groups are protesting the systematic destruction of war monuments and white history in general. It’s worth noting that if the same event were flipped to Muslims, or African-Americans or women, it would be heralded by the Left-wing media […]
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