News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
How the extreme Left became a domestic terrorism organization rooted in hatred and violence
Over the past several decades, the political right has been systematically vilified as a hate group made up of violent extremists who represent a serious threat to society. But the tables are turning in the Trump era, as the political left is now showing itself to be the true domestic terrorist group in America today, […]
By Ethan Huff
CLAIM: Obama secretly set war with Russia into motion before he left office, handing Trump a global crisis
For being a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, Barack Obama sure did spend a lot of his time trying to incite war while occupying the office of the presidency. When he wasn’t busy throwing fuel on the fire of racial tensions domestically, he was apparently trying to incite another Cold War with Vladimir Putin and Russia […]
By Ethan Huff
UNREAL: Universities now paying students to bully classmates guilty of ‘thought crimes’
Taxpayers in California will soon be forced to sponsor so-called “Social Justice Activists” (SJAs) who will be tasked with patrolling college campuses and “educating” their fellow students about the systematic oppression supposedly being instigated upon them by white, straight males. The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) has agreed to start paying between 8-10 SJAs […]
By Ethan Huff
Kathy Griffin’s message for all Democrats: “We’re with ISIS, and we promote beheadings of political opponents” instead of honoring election outcomes
When she decided to slither out of the woodwork recently to join the ranks of many of her classless colleagues in viciously attacking the president, comedian Kathy Griffin delivered a very clear message to the world: Respecting the office of the presidency is only necessary when the person she voted for wins. And rather than honor […]
By Ethan Huff
FBI committed TREASON under COMEY: Surveillance on Americans illegally leaked to other nations
As the American media machine continues its baseless attacks against President Trump, lobbing unsubstantiated accusations against him on the daily regarding imaginary connections to Russia, there’s a much bigger story brewing that the public isn’t being told about shamed former Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director James Comey. New evidence has emerged from classified government […]
By Ethan Huff
After disarming its citizens, Venezuelan government now uses armored vehicles as weapons to ram into crowds of protesters
Tensions continue to rise in Venezuela, where a defenseless population stripped of its right to bear arms is facing the heavy hand of a socialist government hellbent on eradicating freedom. Reports indicate that demonstrators throughout the destabilized country are now being assaulted by government military vehicles simply for making their voices heard, and that in […]
By Ethan Huff
George Soros is trying to cause another civil war
Things couldn’t be more on the brink in the United States as the old guard statists battle with the new guard populists for control over the federal government. Leading the charge against the People is none other than billionaire villain George Soros, who experts closely studying the situation say is trying to incite the next […]
By Ethan Huff
Can’t be trusted: Many top Republicans are financially backed by Soros
It isn’t just the Democrats that are working in lockstep with billionaire villain George Soros. According to congressional contribution records, a stunning number of establishment Republicans are also on the Soros dole, including big names like Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, as well as former Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and […]
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